Saturday, April 23, 2011

Starting all over again

It's my first blog post in a long time , not that long but for me it's too long i had too many thoughts but in a way or another for the first time of my life i was no longer able to hold my pen and write what i think .. call it distraction call it dissatisfaction call it whatever but there seemed to be something preventing me from doing so.

The words are the most powerful thing in human history , it's what define us the words we say and what define us even more the words we don't say, the words that can hurt someone if said or cause pain to either yourself or somebody else.

Through the past few days many things have changed in my life and in the life of many people in my country , i do really hope to change because that's the essence of life and the person who forgets that will live either lost or isolated.

Quoting from the curious case of benjamin button.

" I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again. "
May God give me the strength to start all over again