Saturday, September 8, 2012

Lemon Juice

He used to hate this moment of the day when he wakes up in the early morning to find a cup of lemon juice on the table ready for him to drink, His parents legend say that if he drinks this lemon juice he'll be cured from the evil monsters that he watches in the cartoons. He used to love how it tastes,how the sparkle of the lemon in the cup catch his eye, but he just hated the fact that he has to drink it. It's an order and orders must be obeyed. From his young child-hold he hated orders,rules and everything that would tell him what to do and what not to do like don't stay up late, you must get up early, you must get an A, you must .. you must .. A word created a denial deep inside himself. As years of life pass by, the importance of Lemon juice started falling down the interest of his parents, he no longer wakes up to find the monster free juice on the table. His rate of drinking lemon decayed heavily as he reached Secondary stage of his education from daily basis to monthly basis, he enjoyed the freedom of space he has, he no longer need to drink lemon.

"Monsters, were you kidding me and fooling me as a kid, i won't drink lemon again"

He stopped drinking lemon for a long period , until one day he caught a really bad flu and he started to realize that the evil monsters were microbes and lemon was Vitamin C that would protect him from getting infected by the monstrous disease, later in his life he would wake up early and make a lemon juice everyday.

"Dad, why do you wake up everyday and make me a lemon juice ? " His son asked him with a childish look on his face.

"Ohh son, haven't i told you the story of lemon and the evil monsters" He replied.