Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Always on your side

She picked up her papers the papers she held so dear, everyday she wakes up and looks at them and remembers such precious memories it's back then when she used to believe that life is beautiful, magnificent and most of all full of love.She starts to prepare her morning tea but she couldn't forget how beautiful it felt when they drank their first cup of tea together and all that's left from their story is few papers she keeps looking at.

Ordinary day ordinary people pass her way those who try so hard to gain her precious care or respect or even love but no one can, Her heart was reserved long ago and she couldn't unlock it once more everything seems to remind her of him the one who she couldn't forget.

Comes back home to the empty room of her soul, she couldn't stop her self from picking up those papers once more the papers he left before going away ... the papers that keep reminding her of the one that fairy tales call her destiny. It's been few years since he's gone and all that's left is those  little words written on this paper with his beautiful handwriting "Don't worry my love, I'm always on your side".

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I've been always thinking that am a facebook holic and that this is totally a bad thing i agree it's a total waste of time sometimes, but lately i realized something that somehow shifted my paradigm.

Me as Ahmed the person/writer likes to express myself, maybe since i was a little kid i enjoyed writing down how i feel and maybe that's why i consider myself a potential writer, eventhough am not that good one.

The writer's main aim is to let what he's feeling out in whatever way it is, in facebook i let it out in the form of status updates and sharing interesting links and that's one of the things that makes me stay alot on facebook, at the end of the day facebook is nothing but a text area with lots of words inside it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I just remembered those words right now i know i posted the same post long ago, but it felt so true right now, i believe this one of the truest from the heart academy award accepting speech by Marketa Irgolova from the movie ONCE .. specially when she say

"and hope at the end of the day connects us all, no matter how different we are"

Really i felt so right now,That we as human beings share many things in common and that's the power of hope so no matter who we are young or old rich or poor hope is what connects us all

“Hi everyone. I just want to thank you so much. This is such a big deal, not only for us, but for all other independent musicians and artists that spend most of their time struggling, and this, the fact that we’re standing here tonight, the fact that we’re able to hold this, it’s just the proof that no matter how far out your dreams are, it’s possible. And, you know, fair play to those who dare to dream and don’t give up. And this song was written from a perspective of hope, and hope at the end of the day connects us all, no matter how different we are. And so thank you so much, who helped us along way. Thank you.” Marketa Irgolova 2008

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

To the one who knows

And as the piano started playing he remembered everything now the story of his life, the journey the start and probably the end he keeps dreaming of. A smile goes up his face as he start to remember those crazy little moments he passed by unnoticed, and those unforgettable ones.

As the piano continued playing he started to look at himself what has he done so far with his life where did he go and where he didn't, seems that the rhythm is now starting to flow through his soul, it's been so long since he sat with himself listened to such amazing piano.

Now that the music is coming to an end he starts to think does she even know who he is .. or maybe she doesn't know. And all his dreams at this moment seemed to be small compared to that little dream left unknown maybe one day it'll come true, he smiled when he looked at the music name and it turned out to be "To the one who knows..." hopefully she does.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Soundtrack

Lately i feel that my life is really missing a soundtrack playing in the background, drum beats when i get excited and slow piano music when i feel emotional, the base guitar goes loud when i feel worried and the fading out of volume when things seem to calm down.

I always feel the importance of soundtrack playing in the background of my life and since no music is playing in the street i imagine my own soundtrack, cause in a way or another our lives is part of a big movie we're acting in, and one of the major keys of success of a movie in my opinion is its soundtrack.

So if you see me walking alone thinking .. don't think am crazy am just enjoying the soundtrack in the background.

Friday, April 9, 2010


A sigh is an audible/bearable exhalation of air arising from tiredness or emotion, usually sadness, which itself could be stemming from feelings of sadness or futility.

This is the definition of sigh from Wikipedia which exactly how i felt when i sighed right now, it seems funny cause there are human interactions that can express our feelings whether it's a smile or a sigh and no matter who does it, it gives the same feeling.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

عنق الزجاجة

عنق الزجاجة or the tip point of the bottle in other words, why is it in our lives we have to pass by these moments that the only way to get out of the bottle is to pass by its tip point or عنق الزجاجة

And it's the toughest moments at all when you feel you're so stuck in the middle between being set free and between going back to the empty bottle, cause the feeling of عنق الزجاجة is what am exactly feeling right now at my final days at college, i feel as if i'm stuck in a bottle and i have to go out.

The funny thing if you reflect this idea on your life you'll find that all our lives is filled with moments where the only way out is عنق الزجاجة

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I always used to believe that inside each and everyone of us a writer. A talent that is left undiscovered i always told people they can write if they want, if they just let everything inside out.

I always used to believe that the truest words come out from a pencil and a paper just left without boundaries and not afraid of what it's about to read.

I always used to believe that no matter how hard a situation you're living your pencil will never let you down. And it's just a simple step that transfers you from the outer world to the inner world it's just as simple as a pencil and a paper and an open mind.

That's why i really feel like writing now, but sometimes the words don't seem to rhyme.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Some people may live and die for the sake of one dream ... but maybe that dream is what makes their life worth living

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A promise

I really need to make this self promise loud, i really want to promise myself .. a promise that i should have taken early in my life but now seems to be the right time to say it loud.

I promise myself that after i graduate from college I'LL NEVER study or do something i don't want to study/do, life is too short to waste doing something you don't like.

Friday, April 2, 2010

I want to travel !!

Not like all my friends who hate their country and wish to travel abroad to work, for me i want to travel for a completely different reason am not one of those who curse the state of their country or the working environment here and am not one of those who believe that you get more money when you travel abroad.

But all am thinking of ... when i think that i want to travel is that i really need a change i really need a blow off from what i'm today i need a new environment new people and the most important thing a new life. I want to know people i never met before even if they don't speak/eat/live the way i do. I want to try new things even if it's gonna hurt me i don't want to be prejudged by things i've done before i want to pave a road for my career of technology.

I just want to travel am so tired of what i'm feeling these days .. I'm few months away from graduation and nobody knows where the wind will blow.