Thursday, September 9, 2010

Interview Question

Interviewer : What's your biggest life achievement ?
Me: pause 10 seconds (realizing the fact i was sleepless for the past week)
Me: Being here now am just satisfied with everything i did to make it here now  الحمدلله

Thursday, September 2, 2010

That something

I don't know what i'm waiting for but i'm waiting for something, i don't know which way to go but there must be a story left for me in that road towards something, and as time goes by and people come and go you still wait and dream of that something, it's not that big i know and it's not that small it's a simple hope i always longed for, the story of waiting and hoping isn't new at all it's just a simple thought and a simple memory recall.

That days come and go we may be waiting and we may not but in the end of the day we're all hoping .. hoping for that something or in other words that someone.