Saturday, January 31, 2009


After studying these chapters of BCMSN for Cisco CCNP exam now i trully know why does jack power from the series 24 always use Cisco devices for their communication.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

In between

In the middle between a smile and a tear
caught in the middle between hopes and fears
couldn't find a way to save the volunteer
from sacrificing all that's real
Tryng to color his picture with a dream
his picture that will never be complete
left him caught .. caught
In the middle between a smile and a tear

Feeling circles

كلمات اغنية دواير : لمروان خوري
بنلف دواير .. و الدنيا تلف بينا
دايما ننتهي .. لمطرح مإبتدينا
طيور الفجر تايهه .. في عتمة المدينة بتدور
ما بنكتبش الرسائل .. ما بننتظرش رد
لاحد في يوم سمعنا .. ولا بنسمع حد
طيور العمر تايهة .. في عتمة المدينة بتدور
ساكنين في عالم يعشق الخطر .. فيه الطيور تهرب من الشجر
وتهرب النجوم من القمر .. وتهرب الوجوه من الصور
بنلف في دواير بندور على الأمان .. و نلاقينا رجعنا تاني لنفس المكان
ندور .. ندور .. ندور
نحلم و نحلم بالحياه المفرحه .. و أتاري أحلامنا بلا أجنحه بلا اجنحة
ندور ندور ندور .. بجناح حزين مكسور
ساعات نشوف في العتمه .. و ساعات نتوه في النور
ساعات عيونا بالأسى تفرح .. و ساعات في ساعة الفرح منوحه

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The kite runner

inspired by the movie the kite runner

I'm gonna watch you fly it high
far beyond the darkest skies
i'm gonna watch you fly it far
far beyond our dreaming stars
i'm gonna watch you fly it close
to the garden of flowers with blooming hope
i'm gonna watch you and just smile
cause it's always been you running the kite
it's always been you ..
The kite runner

Monday, January 26, 2009

Old dream

Back when i used to be in 1st secondary stage to be precise i had that dream .. it was a weird one but when i read it's meaning in a book , i felt it's so much imposible to come true, and maybe till today i still believe that it's not so easy to even happen.

But i don't know i feel a few signs around me lately that makes me feel i am able to make it happen and i still wonder how or where .. maybe i need to modify my vision or maybe it was just a bad dream.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Under pressure

Like every period of your life, you pass by moments where you totally think that you're under great pressure (from every side of the cube of your life) and you can't seem to handle it.
But the weird thing about today more than any other day in my life ... i feel that i lived my whole life under pressure

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

They come true

Ellie from the movie contact taking small moves

I always used to believe that inside everyone of us is a writer, i did really believe in that more than many other things, and through time and many experiences with my friends it turned out that it's true ... it's our way of showing the world who we are it's all in the power of words.

What i do believe in now totally is .. is that dreams do really come true .. they really do if i have a dream and i believe in it and one day it'll just come true am sure and all i need is to keep moving even with small moves ... just small moves

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Flower

I should have grown a flower in the garden;
Water it with care,
Be proud of having it everwhere,
Watch it grow day after day
Dream with it of a far away space.

Now, that the time has gone
I shouldn't be waiting for a rising sun,
I have eyes set on goal
I will grow a flower inside my soul.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The show must go on

I always thought that this song is related to a performance or a show - it's queen's song " The show must go on " - cause whenever a show on the radio comes to an end they used to end it with that song.

After reading the lyrics and focusing into meanings it turns out that this song is way much deeper than just a show comming to an end, i can simply relate myself to the show; simply i'm part of this show i'm part of life's show.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Why do i hate exam times

I just wanna share this thought, i simply don't hate exams, i just hate exams times.
When you have nothing to do in ur life, except being stuck with stuff to study, these times represent for me such bad moments; cause the only way out from studying is to put yourself into a one to one discussion with yourself and believe me that really really sucks :D

so all i want now is for that stupid period to pass as fast as possible

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Will i live the day when i see ur face
or you'll always keep giving me your back
Is life lost for you without a trace
And do you think there's no way back
In a cold life you've been thrown
Full of blood full of war.

Will the day come when i see your face
and see the stars flying away
out of this world not bounded by a space
it's the light of freedom we'll see
When we see you and your friends set free

Will i still be alive to see that day
When you turn around and announce a new start
A new light in a world full of dark


Sometimes all we aim at is not losing CONTACT
One of my all time favorite movies it's just so deep

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The message

Put your message in a bottle and just throw it away
watch it sail through the world each night and day
through the waves and storms it'll fly
just have the courage to throw it up high
Don't wait for it to run back to you
it's been sent far beyond me and you
it's just been sent to where it belong to
A note flashes out of the screen
"your message has been recieved".

Chronological dreams

Primary stage :

I wished to be an astronaut i wished one day to land upon a star
I wished to be a history teacher

Preparatory stage :

I wished to learn languages ( japaneese)
I wished to play the guitar

Secondary stage :

I wished to be an english teacher and a big writer
I wished to be a radio presenter in Nile fm


First year :

I wished to shift my carreer to HR

Third year :

I now wish to be a network engineer
I hope i settle down my dreams or maybe achieve all of that i don't know it seems so weird how we shift our paradigms towards life in each and every single moment i wonder will this be the last shift or there's more shifts to come :) el 7mdolilah anyway

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dreamy night

It's exactly 3 am right here in cairo right now in my bed and amazingly enough i'm still awake eventhough my final exam ( which needs focusing) is after exactly 6 hours and i've been in my bed from 1 am till now sleepless :S remember cold play song "When you feel so tired but you can't sleep" yeah that one i know now its meaning :D

During these 2 hours i imagined myself achieving all possible goals of my life i just kept looking at the ceiling and imagining myself after 20 years i imagined every little detail ( and still i couldn't get a sleep) it used to be my talent long ago i used to create fairy tailes in my head and create chracters so i can sleep, when i used to be a small kid i used to love night times so i can create these stories in my head ... but weird enough all these stories doesn't seem to send me to a deep sleep now maybe cause i stopped using this trick as much as i used to (since i'm always busy i go to bed dead tired and sleep like a cow) or maybe because they're starting to seem realistic for me cause all what i thought about for me after 20 years tonight seemed really achievable but needs hard work and devotion that's all i'm gonna turn off that thing now and try again maybe create another fairy tale in my head could send me to deep sleep wish me luck in the exam and wish me more luck to wake up :D

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A new day has come

Only few songs in my life can bring me such state of remembering old memories one of them is that song it's amazing how a song's lyrics remind you of soo many moments and you just watch them flashing back through your mind while listening to it .. for me each line of this song's lyrics has a memory in my mind beside's it's the most feel good tune i ever heard so enjoy it and always remember a new day has come ...

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Journey (story)

I hear the cracks all around me all the thunder and lightings all the rain drops heavy as a storm, it's really a storm the storm that i can't seem to get out of, in my moment of depression i remembered my journey along that road everyone used to tell me not to go through, and instead of listening to them i just went on my road, another lightning sound roars in my ears , all the memories now appear so clear i remeber all the hard times i've been through to reach here the place i'm standing at; right here right now and after the long journey, i suddenly face a cross road, shall i carry on with my energy is nearly over and done or shall i go back and forget all about the dreams and hopes a question poped out in the sound of thunder; why did i take that road at first place ? and in its answer everything appeared so clear .. i took a deep breath and carried my way the way back home.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Give me some time

Just give me some time
I'll show you how it could be
I'd write you songs you wanted to hear
I'd fly the lyrics over the moon
I'll let you watch them glow
Just give me some time
I'm gonna rise and shine
If you wait for me
I'll show you my dreams for real
not a fairy tale as it may seem
Just give me some time
And try to be patient
I'm on my flight to the place,
where no one has ever been
so just give me some time

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Then what ..

Then what
A story is still left untold
no more beautiful goals
no more sandy dreams
bright as gold

Then what
A question stuck in my head
Tired of running for its answer
In my mazed life i stop
and keep asking my soul

Then what

Sunday, January 4, 2009


This movie is ... GREAT it's not that it's too romantic but it's just too simple in a way that emotions and music play a much greater role in it than words and any other acting profession i'd like to point out that this movie got academy award winning for its song FALLING Slowly and i'd really like to share with you the winning speach of Marketa irglova

“Hi everyone. I just want to thank you so much. This is such a big deal, not only for us, but for all other independent musicians and artists that spend most of their time struggling, and this, the fact that we’re standing here tonight, the fact that we’re able to hold this, it’s just the proof that no matter how far out your dreams are, it’s possible. And, you know, fair play to those who dare to dream and don’t give up. And this song was written from a perspective of hope, and hope at the end of the day connects us all, no matter how different we are. And so thank you so much, who helped us along way. Thank you.”

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Same place

Today i had this weird thought about that place a place i really miss now so much more than you can imagine i even thought about going there right now but i delayed my visit after the exams end.

That place is my school and not any place in the school but primary stage play ground i don't know what they did to it it's been like 4 years since i last been there but i totally remembered every moment i had in this play ground not like many kids who remember playing football there but i remember my moments there as a thinker i used to go to the (cantine) and buy Chipsy it was like less than 50 pt worse - i guess by that time i used to get 1 pound a day and i thought i ruled the world now i pay 1 pound to just park the car outside my college - i used to sit there watching people come and go around i didn't have any friends and i used to like that i remember just sitting alone and creating a beautiful imaginery world inside my head i didn't care like most of the kids with playing football or just playing hide and seak i used to just sit and think it was those days when our dreams had no limits in that place i used to sit and imagine my future, for me at that age i remember that i thought being 20 is a dream and i used to wonder how come i'll be in college and how come i'll be graduated from school how come i'll .... it seemed like infinity limits to me .

Today i just stopped for few moments to remember that place i want to go there right now if i can , why ? because i want to see how small i used to be i want to remember that, i want to breathe my memories there i want to see how it all started.. i simply want to be back to that same place.

Portion of beauty

Today i was heading for friday prayer but today i felt it so special don't know why this community has really a great beauty in it, the soul of people in it while moving towards the mosque the thing i really liked is that i saw people taking their young kids with them to pray and it's amazing how these kids just keep smiling to you i saw many kids today in my way and it just makes me feel so good they got nothing to worry about and the most simple act can make them smile ... there are many things beautiful around us but we don't take the time to notice them ... for me the kids i saw today made my day they're this contry's soul they're the country's hope they're simply the country's portion of beauty.

Friday, January 2, 2009


I admit this is one of the toughest topics to tackle but it's rarely that i get into politics here but i can call this not politics it's my point of view towards many things taking place around me these days.

We all know about the crisis in Gaza and all the talks and the demonostrations and donation campaigns all over the country all the talk all the anger and everything but if you look at someone like me i'm so normal i didn't change my status on facebook i didn't write angry notes i didn't even walk to collect donations .. such a bad state of don't care am in as many people may think of me but i got a total opposite point of view i can feel everything happening around me but i got my own way of dealing with the problem.

If we look at the problem the problem isn't in Gaza or Palestin or israel or Egypt or Hamas or whatever, the problem is in us everyone of us reading this note right now the problem is that we as Arabs are weak soo weak and we pretend that we're so strong when it comes to anger and demonostrations we just go out to the streets calling for war and bla bla bla while if u ask anyone of the people walking would you go for war he'd run away from you it's not that he's afraid or doesn't have the courage it's because he knows that he's weak.

Why are we weak ? because simply we don't have knowledge we don't have technology we're covered from head to toe with poverety and illiteracy we aren't ready, in this age the strong person is the one who's equipped with knowledge and can translate his knowledge into a dominating economy it's no longer those who have fit bodies and good arms it's no longer guns and knives it's the power of knowledge and applying this knowledge, sadly enough we have nothing of those our youth power is wasted in many useless stuff and we don't have the power anymore we're just weak and as long as we keep following our stupid education and research policies we'll always be weak.

Now how do you ask me to act about what's going in Gaza

Donations: i like this part but i feel why should i pay money to send people of Gaza food while Israel will bomb them back .. it's like a temporaral solution likegiving them fish but not teaching them how to fish.

Prayer: I believe in the power of prayers but prayer should be followed by hard work how will you stand infront of God and say God please save palestine while you do nothing we pray for God to support us and not to do the act instead of us

My solution and the reason of writing this topic is that i want to say a message to everyone who just feel sooo angry and feels really that he wants a solution and want to help the people of Gaza all i'm asking you to do is to be STRONG just be STRONG work hard in everything you do leave politics to politicians but you as a student study not to succeed but to exceed as a worker work hard to develop a fit product as a teacher teach for the sake of the future .. if you really want to help the people of Gaza think long term just think long term and work hard so that the nation rise again because we're soo weak ... this nation doesn't need anything but a vision and a leader a real leader.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Only one name

Only one name among the crowd can rise
Only one name can make me smile
Only one name can give me hope
Only one name can brighten my soul
Only one name can make my day
Only one name is tomorrow's goal
Only one name I'm waiting for
There's only one name in my mind right now
And that's only your name

If only we can

If only we can touch the stars
start to reailze how far they're
start to dream of their shine
live our lives with their glow in our minds
if only we can touch the stars
start to realize how small we are
start to feel their light inside our hearts
live with hope for tomorrow's eternal goal
If only we can touch the stars
but we just can't