Sunday, January 16, 2011

Where's my shoe ?

Have you ever stopped by yourself in the middle of the street and asked yourself where's my shoe. I remember i used to have this dream of walking bare feet in the street and it always woke me up in bad mood i never understood the meaning of this dream and never will be because some thoughts in our head can't be explained.

But can you ask yourself what if this happen, you actually find yourself in the street with no shoe, how would it feel and how embarrassing would that be .. just think of it for a moment and continue reading.

Now, they always have the saying put yourself in others shoe to see them more clearly or understand the situation more clearly but what about my shoe has no one asked what's its size color or even make did i choose it or someone else did so for me .. am i wearing the right shoe for the right journey or i got the first shoe available to wear .. what if it doesn't suit me or looks nice in my feet what if i got lost with it.

Maybe sometimes in life while running in the middle of the noisy streets and the angry voices and sparkling cars. You have to stop for just one moment .. and ask yourself where's my shoe because maybe you lost it along the road.