Saturday, August 13, 2011

The song

That maybe life is nothing more than a piano song
with its tunes going in your mind and moving along
That maybe the days that pass are nothing but some tunes
some we play and some we don't choose

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Facebook visit

For personal and non personal reasons i was deactivating Facebook now for more than 20 days and today i decided to check what happened in my friends' virtual world and in 1 hour i was able to grasp all my friends news.

It feels really weird that all the news on Facebook for 20 days can be summarized in 1 hour instead of wasting 2 hours each day of nothing  trying to follow up with each news feed , so i decided to summarize what happened in my friends news feed.

Still the same some got engaged and other broke up , there are those who keep sharing the same stupid useless political stuff and those who enjoy being stunning and there are those who graduated and those who still share activities news charity non charity stuff , there are those who had their birthdays and a wall filled with posts , there are those who posted their photos abroad and those who posted their photos at work. There are those who wore veil because of Ramdan and those who set a journey to enjoy summer. There are those infinite amount of scenes from Ramdan shows and TV series (specially el kebeer awy) and there are those profile pictures with arabic words (suddenly we discovered the beauty of our language) and there are still people who talk about Hosny Mobarak trial .. and still there are those people that make you feel like you're nothing .. there are still those who were once your friends and no longer even care.

One of the things i did even-though am knowing i'm going to deactivate Facebook once again is un-friend 1 friend from my friend list and to tell you the truth i felt so relieved doing so.. some people just make you feel they no longer deserve to know them or remember you were once their friend.

And at the end of the visit, the world no longer feels the same in 20 days i can admit so many news happened in my friend list life but the thing for me those were just another 20 days in life , i know being away from Facebook made me miss many events , birthdays and life events. but to tell you the truth .. who cares anyway.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


In school days , there used to be this crazy part of our language class where we write compositions it didn't matter whether it's Arabic or English but i remember i used to like writing those silly childish compositions.

While wandering with my thoughts today i remembered a composition i was really praised upon and it was about imagining life in the near future and i really can't remember more than the title but what i remember is that the teacher liked it alot. Don't know why today i had the thought that i really want to read this composition along side many other compositions that were lost either in rotten copy books or burnt out papers.

And i got this crazy idea that i want to share with any English - Arabic teacher , in the age of technology i urge you to ask your students to write compositions on free lancing basis , they should write the topics they want to talk about and not the cliche' compositions about pollution, peace and mother's day. Students should be given the chance to express their selves the way they want and more than that i urge teachers to ask their students not to write those compositions on paper or class copy book but let them post it in their own blogs , let's teach them how to post their thoughts and let the world hear it comment about it and even share it online.

In the age of digital revolution we're living, students writings can no longer be judged only by their teachers but the whole world around them , just give them the hint and let them go.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


أنا مش فاهم حاجة و ماشي بكلم نفسي و بقول عادي 
يمكن أكون تايه أو يمكن أكون ماشي في حالي 
ماهو كل شئ في حياتنا بأة عادي
يا عم كبر يا عم نفد و كلو فالأخر فاني 
ناس بتتكلم و ناس بتسمع وأهو كلو فل أخر بيهاتي
و ده مش بس حالي ده حال كل اللي في البلد دي
و مالو برده هرجع وأقول عادي 
منا أصلي يعمل نفسي فاهم كل حاجة يعمل نفسي مش فاهم 
و فالحالة ده أو الحالة ده 
 هدعي ربنا إنو  يصلح حالي

Friday, August 5, 2011

Happy People

A work colleague once wrote on her Facebook status

"I miss being around happy people"

Thursday, August 4, 2011


What if i was born in another time and another place somewhere other than where i am, nothing but me and myself what if the environment change and the places mingled and everything that seemed real to me would seem different.

What if i was born in an isolated place .... would my life feel the same