Wednesday, September 30, 2009

That maybe

That maybe our story wasn't meant to be
time for our souls to be set free
but when it's cold and dark
and no one left to speak

That maybe rain will drop around the window
feel the beauty of sunshine after the rainbow
won't you please come and let me be
the man i once used to be
weird thoughts before i go to sleep

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Egypt Match

Today was the expected match in the (Fifa world cup U-20) held in Cairo, The match was between Egypt and Paraguay.

And to tell you the truth i was happy that Egypt lost the match ... but to be more honest i was even wishing that Paraguay win the match, i saw in their players eyes the determination, the passion, the hard work and the persistence. All part of the equation the equation of life and the equation of success, Through the match i forgot that i'm Egyptian and the match is held in my town and just kept remembering this equation... maybe i just wanted to make sure it works or maybe i wanted to feel that this country truly deserve more down times to wake up.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cast away

And I've lost her all over again. I'm so sad that I don't have Kelly. But I'm so grateful that she was with me on that island. And I know what I have to do now. I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Maybe one of the greatest games in my history i remember not spending less than 3 summer holidays on this game, it was back then that i thought this is the best game in history and really it was .. it was FIFA 94.

Few days ago i was watching a promo video for FIFA 2010 and i couldn't stop myself from remembering this game FIFA 94, for a moment or two i started to discover the major differences that took place in the game industry since 94 till 2010.

But i discovered that this great change in the game industry can be nothing compared to the huge change that happened to my life from someone who spends all his summer playing Fifa 94 to someone else, from that young kid to that grown up person; i'm still trying to understand, it seems that my relation with Fifa in engineering terms "Directly proportional" and as the game grows and change we change but we hardly notice.

If you think that FIFA game has changed a lot since 1994 then look at yourself and see how much you changed, and you'll find out that you changed much more than the game.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The curious case of benjamin button (5)

she had left a note .. she wrote "it was nice to have met you" and that was it.

This part of the movie when the lady benjamin was having an affair with leaves with her husband for war and she leaves him a note saying "It was nice to have met you" .. and that was it, how many people we meet in our lives that make a difference in our lives and the way we see it and how many people we just have to leave and forget and got nothing more to say at the end of the journey but .."It was nice to have met you".