Friday, October 30, 2009

Kung Fu Panda

Quit, don't quit? Noodles, don't noodles? You are too concerned about what was and what will be. There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it
is called the "present".

Master Oogway - (Kung Fu Panda)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

And i love her

"And i love her" is the beatles song and one of the most romantic songs i ever heard as part of my trial to understand what was it about, it turned out that Paul wrote this song to his fiance' Jane Asher.

So i just wanted to see how did the story of this song ends and it turned out that later after this song they broke up and it really makes me wonder can a guy with all these emotions put in a song leave her !! .. if so then what defines the words we write or maybe sometimes we have these enormous fake feelings, i just wonder how does Jane feels when she turns on the radio and hears this song and remembers that this was her song.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Till the last page ...

I always suffer from that weird attitude, which is; i never end something totally, i always reach its end and really get fed up and don't carry it forward.

For example, In my readings i never reach the end of the book or in other words i never survive till the last page even if the book was interesting and great i never have this will and courage to reach the last page.

These days in my college book i'm reading the last pages of it, and the very last page of my educational life but seems that my weird attitude is still taking place... May God help me this time to keep reading just for one time, Till the last page.

Monday, October 5, 2009

محاضرة نتوركس

الناهردة كان أول يوم ليَّ في الكلية وكان المعاد المعهود اللي استنيته كتير ... محاضرة نتوركس .... مفرووض ده المجال اللي أنا بأحلم إني اشتغل فيه وبقالي داخل على سنتين بذاكر فيه مع نفسي ... بس الناهردة اكتشفت جنب جديد قوي للنتوركس مكنتش أعرفه زمان وابتديت أسأل نفسي أنا ليه بحب النتوركس أصلا .. الغريبة كل الأسباب اللي في دماغي ما بقاش ليها معنى بعد محاضرة الناهردة .

اللي حصل الانهارده ببساطة إني اكتشفت حاجة غريبة جدا ... إن دكتور مادة في الكلية مسئول كبير جدا إنه يا اما يحببك في علم أو يكرهك فيه يعني أنا فيه وجهة نظري لو الناهردة كان أول مرة في حياتي أسمع عن النتوركس زي ناس كتير قوي في المدرج الناهردة أول مرة يسمعه مباديء النتوركس كان زماني كرهت المادة والعلم واللي عمل النتوركس أصلا بس لولا إني ذاكرته لوحدي وعرفت إيه الحلو والوحش فيه كان زماني أعد في المدرج بعيط أصلا .

المشكلة دلوقتي مش في النتوركس المشكلة في أيام وسنين اديتها في الكلية ... أنا الناهردة اكتشفت إن احتمال كبير قوي يكون عدى عليَّ مواد أو فروع علم ممكن تكون حلوة قوي زي النتوركس بس للأسف الدكاترة يكونوا زرعه جواية عدم قبول مادة ده أو العلم ده ونرجع نقول فاضل زلطة ونطلع بره


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Look @ the stars

This Picture inspired me to an idea .. i hope it works or at least i try to achieve it

Saturday, October 3, 2009

London 2012

2012 Olympic Games

27 July-12 Aug 2012

see you there isA (just a reminder)

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Life has many questions
The common answer is always i don't know
whether it's wrong or right to let go
or ask where other people couldn't go
Maybe tomorrow's goal will understand the soul
or maybe it's answer will be declared unknown
can we write the words that we dropped untold
freezing in the cold and left without even being born
Life has many questions
The common answer is always i don't know
and that's what makes it beautiful