Sunday, April 24, 2011

Customer Oriented Friendship

After starting work by few days there was a really important concept that i needed to learn , The concept is that you have to keep the customer who's having a network trouble ticket updated with his ticket status based on the severity of the ticket , for example if customer connection is totally isolated you have to give him an update in a certain time interval even if it was useless update but you have to always give him the update that makes him feel that you're working on his problem and you're doing something to make it resolved. I haven't felt the importance of this except when i was put in a situation where i was the customer to a certain company and they kept calling me every 30 mins and telling me "Hello Sir, we did this and that and your issue will be resolved within X minutes" even-though the info they provided was totally useless but it made me feel much better to know someone is caring just to give me an update.

When i had a thought today about my friends the ones i gained from life and college i totally thought of the point why don't we deal with friendship as a customer oriented product , why do we get too busy in life to even call and give updates about what's going on in each others' life why the ones that was called your best friends don't care just to give you weekly update about what's going on in their lives ,  I know friends that i don't know quite well but they care to ask every-now and then just to keep the bond between us established.
At this point of life specially after college i no longer need friends that base our friendship on memories we used to have but what i really want is a customer oriented friendship.

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