Monday, July 25, 2011


That maybe the word Random is the correct word to use at this part of my life , i can't believe how much i want to write these words right now , it's not the words themselves but the act of writing them and since lately every-time i try to write something i get mad of it and delete the post ... this time i won't and that's why i called the post Random, because actually this post is purely random.

The fact is that human beings are like strangers lost on their own world , the thing that really nudges my mind these days is the fact that we're such tiny creatures in this universe and i keep asking myself what's there in this vast space what do these creatures do and how do they communicate how do they act - react .. will there come a day we reach them and if so why did God create this huge universe really huge and how tiny we are i know that logic or human logic don't work with this but i really can't stop thinking about this thought of huge and small tiny and large -- universe and multi-verse.

The other fact is that life keeps going and the question that pops to my mind , why are we here and what's our ultimate goal i used to know answers for sure but now i just don't , few days ago i watched the movie sweet november and i felt exactly that am living keeanu reaves life this life which is only oriented about career as the goal of life .. and i really have the thought of quitting everything for just 1 year but am not brave enough to do it.

That maybe the word random is what express purely my life now just a sequence of random thoughts random hopes and random dreams ... but the most important part is feeling randomly lost.

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