Saturday, August 20, 2016

Looking at the number of posts in this blog i made over the years , this is the first year i ever write nothing here , just looking at the numbers i can see a drop of number of posts and things i write about and it's kind of funny thinking that this is my first and maybe the last post in 2016 at this place. Back in the days having a blog was the kind of cool thing and you'd be so proud having posts that you keep reading over and over again, thinking that at a certain point of your life that you are actually a writer and a good one. And you just read them thinking you have the world at your feet, but eventually you start to realise that you don't want people to read this post nor that post and you start hiding them and at the end of the day i ended up writing in notebooks. I actually walk around the city with 2 to 3 notebooks and whenever i feel like writing i just do and am ok with no one reading it , maybe it's some sort of growing up mechanism to understand that you don't need acceptance to feel good about how you feel and what you write , and you can no longer bear the look in their eyes when they read what's going in your head , so you keep hiding the words in notebooks and more notebooks till eventually someday someone will read them and my biggest fear remains to lose those notebooks. Maybe that's the good thing about having a blog is that for a reason they stick here on the world wide web for people to read. we're growing old that's a fact we have to admit and in the funny fast paced world it's hard for someone to stop by a blog and read it , and i think no one would be able to explain to their kids that at a certain point of our lives that this was our life written in online virtual blogs. The term blogger itself is fading away , and that's what's technology is all about lately , it's about erasing the past and paving road for the new. Still i believe at a certain point of our lives it'd be so nice for us to look back at the words we wrote and how we felt about ourselves and the world around us.

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